
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Nottingham Beer Festival - October 2022

A few fearless Fen folk took the tracks to visit the Robin Hood Beer Festival, held for the second year at Trent Bridge Cricket Ground, Nottingham.

The opportunity to sample the beers on the first day, being Trade Day and CAMRA members only, was too good to miss, especially as it was free entry.

After complimentary glasses were collected and tokens purchased, then the serious business of looking through the programme to see which selection to make first - no simple matter as 600 ales were on offer initially and then a further 200 would go on sale later in the festival when room allowed on the stillages. A good range of beers from pale ales through to milds, porters and stouts, with ABVs ranging from 3% to a massive 23%.

With 3 main bars in marquees and 13 brewery bars imbibers were spoilt for choice. Food stalls throughout and large areas of seating (sometimes a problem at beer festivals) in the stands and elsewhere made drinking and eating a very comfortable experience. Thirds and halves were the order of the day so that a good selection could be sampled before any wobbly effects took place!

A grand day out throughout.