
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

January 2023 - Surfleet and Pinchbeck

Fifteen walkers set off from the Crown, Surfleet, in January on what is regarded as Fenland's Anniversary Walk - these monthly social events having commenced in 2002. Back then our first walk, organised by Heather and Rodney, started from the Mermaid (sadly now closed) in frosty and foggy weather and with ice on the River Glen.

Crown Inn Surfleet

Our walk this month was in dry but blustery conditions with Heather and Rosemary leading the trekkers along minor roads, paths and across the railway line, to the Ship at Pinchbeck. The early arrival allowed the thirsty troop to commandeer the bar to order and then retire to the mezzanine floor to quaff their Hopshackle Special Bitter from Market Deeping, or alternatively Black Sheep, Adnams Ghost Ship or Abbott, or even coffee to warm up.

The Ship, Pinchbeck Beers at the Ship

After a pleasant hour or so it was time to don coats, gloves, hats and scarves to brave the return journey via minor roads and the River Glen path. Once boots were removed the Crown with its coal fire beckoned as did the Sharps Sea Fury and Mosaic beers. The mezzanine floor at the Crown (where previously the baby grand piano stood - now in the dining room) was taken over by Fen Folk and friends until called to the dining room for Sunday lunch. The pub's Sunday lunches are renown for their multi vegetables served - was it thirteen or fifteen varieties this time? Chairman Nigel raised a glass to absent friends and Fenland CAMRA. Thanks are due to Ena for making the lunch arrangements and for Heather and Rosemary for leading the walk.

It is planned to continue the monthly walks so watch this space.