
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Autumn 2014 - Fenman Down South

Fenman ventured down to Seaford, East Sussex, recently to meet up with an "old" Fenland friend, Wendy.

George Inn, Alfriston One of the first stops after alighting from the train, greeting Wendy and Suki the dog, and checking in so to speak, was a walk along the seafront and visit to the Plough, a small, friendly and comfortable local. The Plough has 3 local brewery beers on - on our visit Longmans, Beachy Head, and Harveys Sussex Bitter, with their "special" being Hobgoblin, plus GK IPA.

After a couple of rounds and a quick catch-up of the latest news - Sleaford and Seaford wise- it was time to pop along to the popular Wellington. No wonder this pub is always busy as it has 10 handpumps with many serving local ales. Fenman's scribble proved a trifle illegible but Dark Star, Longmans, Couch Boiler, Kent Bogg, Blue, Old Diag, Ben, and Seabait seem to figure. The SeaSalt restaurant even had bottles of Longmans, to accompany tasty meals.

The next day a bus ride and walk to Littlington where the Plough and Harrow welcomed, once muddy boots removed. Longmans Blonde, American Pale, Copper Hop and Best, along with Dowland 4.2 (dark) and Harveys Best, and an excellent lunch all helped to keep the trio in the pub that extra half hour - encouraged also by the monsoon that visited the village and which also deposited wet dogs and walkers into the bar. A walk on to the pretty village of Alfriston with its old pubs worthy of mention, included the George Inn with the first transfer of innkeeping licence in 1397.

The following day a bus trip and walk along Brighton esplanade and a visit to the West Quay, a Wetherspoons that overlooks the marina. Dorking Gold, Sussex Warrior, and Kings beers all sampled. A walk through the Laines to the highly recommended Victory in Duke Street did not disappoint as this back street local, where time had stood still, kept a good range of ales. Laines Bitter, Downland Conker, Kings Black Sympany, and Dark Star Hophead.

To round off the day a visit to the theatre - to be exact the Theatre Royal Colonnade Bar with its splendid theatrical furnishings and ambience and Hepworth Prospect, Horsham Organic Pale, and Arundel Castle Tawny Bitter. This rounded off an excellent week-end with thanks to Wendy for grand accommodation, guided walks and pub explorations.

Victory, Brighton Colonnade Bar, Brighton

Colonnade Bar, Brighton Colonnade Bar, Brighton